6 Significant Ways Physical Product Brand Identities Have Evolved in the Last Five Years and the Driving Factors Behind These Changes

In a dynamic marketplace where brand identity is crucial, we’ve gathered insights from six leaders, including E-Commerce Business Owners and CEOs, to reveal the transformative journeys of their brands. From live shows building trust and sales to sustainability defining competitive brand identities, discover the pivotal changes and driving forces that have redefined their brand presence over the past five years.

  • Building Trust and Sales With Live Shows
  • Embracing Sustainability and Digital Innovation
  • Championing Diversity for Brand Evolution
  • Elevating Brand Appeal With an Eco-Conscious Shift 
  • Pivoting to a Strong Online Brand Presence
  • Defining Competitive Brand Identities By Sustainability

Building Trust and Sales With Live Shows

Our family has been in the jewelry business for over 50 years. One of the hardest parts of selling jewelry online is getting shoppers to trust your brand. One of the best ways we combated this was through live, monthly online shows. 

About three years ago, we started doing live YouTube shows a couple of times a month. This allowed shoppers to see that we are people and get a better understanding of why we are experts in the jewelry industry. They can ask questions, get a good education, and have fun at the same time. 

Twenty percent of our sales are now through these live shows. We have almost 100,000 followers on YouTube. Our videos have gone viral on Reddit many times. Because of this one strategy, we are now known by not only people in our industry but also by customers looking for our types of products.

Jeff Michael, E-commerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

Embracing Sustainability and Digital Innovation

Over the past five years, our brand identity has undergone a significant transformation driven by several key factors:

Sustainability and Responsibility: The growing global concern for the environment prompted us to reevaluate our brand’s impact. We transitioned to more sustainable sourcing, manufacturing, and packaging. Our commitment to environmental responsibility became a central pillar of our brand identity.

Digital Innovation: The rapid evolution of technology and e-commerce reshaped consumer behavior. We embraced digital marketing and e-commerce platforms, providing a seamless online shopping experience for our customers. Our brand identity evolved to reflect this digital-first approach.

Diverse Representation: As societal values evolved, we recognized the importance of diversity and inclusivity. Our brand now actively promotes diverse representation in our marketing materials and product offerings, reflecting a more inclusive image.

Mark Fong, General Manager and CEO, hexagon lights

Championing Diversity for Brand Evolution

One significant way brand identities have evolved in the last five years is by embracing diversity and inclusion. The main driving factors behind this change include societal shifts and the recognition that diverse perspectives and inclusivity enhance innovation, customer understanding, and brand reputation. 

Many brands have implemented diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as diverse representation in marketing campaigns and partnerships with organizations promoting inclusivity. For example, Nike’s ‘Equality’ campaign celebrated diversity and addressed social issues. 

This evolution in brand identity allows companies to resonate with a broader audience, demonstrate their commitment to social progress, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Yoana Wong, Co-Founder, Secret Florists

Elevating Brand Appeal With Eco-Conscious Shift 

In the past five years, our brand identity at our company as a physical product seller has undergone a significant shift, with a pronounced focus on sustainability and eco-conscious values. This change was driven by a heightened awareness of environmental issues, a surge in customer demand for sustainable products, and our genuine commitment to corporate responsibility. 

We, as a team, recognized the importance of aligning our brand with values that resonate with our target audience. Based on my journey and experiences, this transition has not only elevated our market appeal but also made a positive impact on environmental initiatives, fostering a stronger connection with our customers who prioritize eco-friendly choices.

Tiffany Payne, Head of Content, PharmacyOnline.co.uk

Pivoting to a Strong Online Brand Presence

Over the past five years, the most significant evolution in our brand identity has been a deliberate shift toward bolstering our online presence rather than focusing primarily on our physical brand.

Recognizing the growing importance of the digital landscape, we redirected our efforts toward crafting a robust online brand identity. This transformation was driven by changing consumer behavior, with more people turning to online channels for product discovery and shopping. 

Emphasizing a cohesive and compelling online brand presence allowed us to connect with a broader audience, engage with customers in real time, and adapt swiftly to the dynamic e-commerce environment.

This strategic pivot not only strengthened our brand’s visibility in the online marketplace but also fostered a more agile and responsive approach to meet the evolving needs of our customers in the digital age.

Brent Moeshlin, CEO and Founder, Quality Comix

Defining Competitive Brand Identities By Sustainability

In the last five years, the brand identity of many companies selling physical products has evolved significantly, primarily driven by a shift toward greater sustainability and social responsibility. 

This transformation is in response to consumer demand for environmentally and socially conscious brands. Brands are recognizing the importance of aligning with these values to differentiate themselves in a competitive landscape, comply with evolving regulations, enhance their reputation, and attract loyal customers. 

This evolution involves adopting sustainability initiatives, eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing, and social impact programs as integral components of their brand identities, reflecting a heightened awareness of addressing global challenges while remaining competitive and relevant in the market.
Madison T, E-commerce Manager, My Supplement Store

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Jason Vaught


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Jason Vaught

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